Control units
The control units of our PyroDigiT system are called Master and allow you to perform in total safety remote fireworks shows, traditional fireworks events, multimedia or pyrotechnical displays. Master units coordinate the firing devices during the execution of the show. Moreover, they monitor the firing devices status during test phases and verify their proper configuration within the network.
There are three types of control units, Master 999 TOUCH, Master 1920, MC 960, which are divided into the categories of Top, Medium and Entry level. Each one provides ease of use and reliability during the development of any type of fireworks display.
Every display is realized through the use of software, internally designed and developed, with the purpose of fully exploiting properties and characteristics of each system's unit. There are 2 main software: PyroShow Light and PyroShow Revolution. Both allow you to design and compile a fireworks display in order to subsequently sent it to a control unit.
PyroShow Light is the Entry Level software which let you create small and medium fireworks displays in a very fast and simple way. Suitable for those who want to look out for the first time to the PyroDigiT system, is able to generate reports and labels that facilitate the setup of the show.
PyroShow Revolution is instead the Top Level software which enables the pyro designer to create every type of display, from the most simple to the most complex. You can create spectacular choreographies and perfect synchronization between music and fireworks through a user multitracks interface, very powerful functions and thanks to an integrated 2D Simulator. The fireworks display preparation is supported by Reports and labels at every step of the show organization.
AFS, stands for Advanced Firing System, is a group of firing devices, without battery, which interface to the Master through a central bacterized unit called AFC 32. AFC 32 is therefore the link between the first network and the secondary network of the system. In the secondary network AFC 32 plays the role of the AFS modules Controller.
AFS modules constitute a unicum in the panorama of firing systems as they allow you to realize, in complete safety, spectacular choreographies in a faster, accurate and clean way . This is achieved through integration of the electronics inside of geometric devices such as racks and circles.
All AFS devices are characterized by a 24 V Firing Voltage, flexibility of use, compactness and low maintenance.
They are part of the AFS category: PLS racks, CLS circles and μSM 15.
Starter Package
Starter Package is the promotional package for those who want to start using our PyroDigiT firing system. For those who want to purchase a firing system suitable for small shows with/or without musical accompaniments.
Radio Modem
Radio Modem are external devices that allow you to replace the normal cable connection between units on the main network. Only the following units can be connected via external Radio Modem: Master, AFC 32 and Slave WR.
The system has been designed to be flexible. Connections between units of the core network can be achieved only via cable, only via radio or even in mixed mode: via cable and either radio.
All AFS units, being without battery, must be connected to the AFC 32 always and only by cable.
The accessories of our products are: SOS-BATT Emergency Battery, PSM 15 Programs Selector for AFC 32, and various cables.