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AFC 32 is an extremely versatile and functional unit that plays a very important role in the PyroDigiT system. It is in fact the control device of the AFS ignition system, and it is in turn controlled by a Master. It represents the link between the main and the secondary network.

This unit provides power supply to the connected firing devices of the secondary network, verifies their status, and allows you to perform useful advanced tests during the setup phase of the show. The possibility to perform advanced tests for each subnet let you verify (already during the setup) the correctness of the connections, simplifying and speeding up the subsequent test phases from the Master controller.

On the main network, however, the AFC 32 sends to the Master controller the status of the firing devices on the secondary network, making the system flexible and modular.

This unit can control up to a maximum of 32 AFS. During the normal operation phase it supplies to AFS a 12 V power supply, while during the show execution phase it rises the supply up to 24 V.

AFC 32 can also be used as the main controller unit for the execution of automatic or semi-automatic displays.




μSM15+ is the most compact firing unit of the AFS system. Small size for a simple and practical placement into the firing area, without an internal battery, it is equipped with 15 cues and it is controlled by the AFC 32. The serial connexion is guaranteed by two XLR connectors that allow easy connections between the various units. The 12 V power supply is provided by the AFC 32. The firing voltage is 24 V. The ordinary maintenance is reduced to a minimum due to the lack of internal battery.

Realized into a black painted aluminum tube, it is suitable for any type of use thank to its small size. The assigment of a unique ID code can be made through the AFC 32 or the AFS-TST.










PLS15E/70P+ is an innovative device which provides the AFS electronics into an anodized alluminum rack whose holders can be individually oriented. This combination of hardware and electronics allows you to carry out spectacular choreographies in a very fast, clean and easy way.

Its aluminum frame with 15 directional holders (each one supported by a retaining spring) is realized for the launch of fireworks with a maximum of 65 mm external caliber. Holders are made in nylon and glass fiber. Maximum angle +-54° depending on the configuration selection.

PLS15E/70P+ has not internal battery and receives the power supply directly from the AFC 32 controller. Serial connection is guaranteed by two XLR connectors that allow easy connections between the various units.








PLS30E/45P+ is an innovative device which provides the AFS electronics into an anodized alluminum rack whose holders can be individually oriented. This combination of hardware and electronics allows you to carry out spectacular choreographies in a very fast, clean and easy way.


Its aluminum frame with 30 directional holders (each one supported by a retaining spring) is realized for the launch of fireworks with a maximum of 45 mm external caliber. Holders are made in nylon and glass fiber. Maximum angle +-54° depending on the configuration selection.

PLS30E/45P+ has not internal battery and receives the power supply directly from the AFC 32 controller. Serial connection is guaranteed by two XLR connectors that allow easy connections between the various units.








01CLS30E+ is an innovative device that integrates the AFC electronics within a circular anodized aluminum structure, whose holders are oriented at 360°. This allows you to create accurate and spectacular choreographies in a very fast, clean and simple way.

Its aluminum structure (with retaining springs for each of 30 holders) is designed for fireworks with a maximum external caliber of 45 mm. Holders are made in nylon ans glass fiber.

CLS30E+ has not an internal battery and receives the power supply directly from AFC 32. The serial connection is guaranteed by an XLR connector that allows easy and fast connections between the various units.










Every AFS unit of PyroDigiT system is identified by a unique ID code, an alphanumeric value between 1 and 999. AFS-TST is the tool that allows you to set this ID code.

AFS-TST is, therefore, the multifunction tester for cues Testing and for the AFS firing units configuration.