SOS-BATT is an emergency battery complete with rechargeable electrical network and power supply detection function.
It has a dual function: it can be used as an external battery to charge all bacterized units (Master, Slave and AFC 32) or to charge an external Radio Modem avoiding to upload the power supply from another connected unit.
PSM 15 is a program selector for the AFC 32 unit with 15 opto-isolated input signals.
The PSM 15 unit, by using any firing system, allows you to perform up to 15 programs uploaded on the AFC 32 in Automatic Mode. Each entry corresponds to its automatic AFC 32 program. It is therefore necessary to connect a cue of a firing unit to an electronic Terminal X of the PSM 15 in order to perform the program X on the AFC 32.
PSM 15 allows to use the AFS units also with not PyroDigiT firing system.
Various cables of different lengths. Cables are available at 2 or 4 poles depending on the type of units that have to be connected. Every cable uses XLR Neutrik connection.